Death Educator

Sample Topics

  • Regular or one-time conversation around befriending mortality
  • Creating a Death Plan
  • Green burial & other eco-friendly final disposition options
  • Preparing for family-directed after-deathcare (home funerals)
  • Customized end-of-life workshops & conversation events 
  • My services as a Funeral Celebrant
  • Becoming a community death educator or guide

Sample Engagements

  • DIY Death (4-min video)
  • 1-1 Death Preparation
  • Rose Villa Foundation 
  • Hopewell House
  • Friendly House Planning with Pride
  • The Peaceful Presence Project
  • Green Burial Council
  • Holladay Park Plaza
  • Assoc. of Professional Chaplains–OR
  • NW Assoc. of Death Education & Bereavement Support